We bring to you world class products from our manufacturers
with years of expertize with quality goods and distribution across the globe.
Varieties of agro products and
extracts to choose from
Agro Chemicals developed
to meet your unique needs.
Mafita Imports and Exports Ltd is based in the UK and Mafita Imports and
Exports Nig Ltd is based in Nigeria . Both offer the same services.
We source agricultural farm products, extracts, and chemicals from local and international markets to supply the global agribusiness market. Mafita exports agro essentials, including seeds, plant-protecting chemicals, extracts, and fertilizer, to help promote sustainable food growth.
Our supply chain spans remote regions, where we help support and sustain local farmers. Commodities are stored and preserved in our warehouses and processing facilities before reaching our customers.
We produce quality poultry products like eggs, chicken, day old chicks and poultry feeds with hi-tech poultry and industrial hatchery equipments.
Mafita is a leading supplier and exporter of agro products, extracts, and chemicals.
2nd Floor College House 17 King Edwards Road, RUISLIP, London, HA4 7AE, UK
No8, Dental road, Tudun-Jukun, Zaria. Kaduna state, Nigeria